Minor Updates

Published on Jul 10, 2017

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Some Minor Updates

No full-size post today, I just figured I’d post a bit about what I’m doing and what I’m working on.

I’m in Rockford, working as a software engineer for Cleo, in particular working on cloud infrastructure.

As far as side projects, I’ve got a few irons in the fire.

  • Booze - In Progress - A utility for mac homebrew users, especially those working with some of the more bleeding-edge libraries and such, as well as system administrator types. V1 is currently out, and it just sets up twice-daily auto-updates of software. You can get it here. V2 will have a lot more functionality, like auditing logs, machine migration utilities, and a “blame” feature, that helps track down which update broke something so you can track it down and fix it.
  • DnDMap - In Progress - A helpful thing for DnD players. It’s basically just a free way to share dungeon maps, live, over the internet. This will help groups that are not located together, or that have issues with traditional maps, to play more seamlessly.
  • Website - Not Started - I want to move my website over to a more fully-featured and customizable content management system. This will be a pain though, and take a while, so I’m putting it off.

I just adopted two little kittens, Sam (gray) and Fuzzy (white). They’re very docile, gentle, and well-behaved. Fuzzy’s still pretty scared of my apartment, but Sam has been bravely exploring and has been quite social.